Brushworks Lift & Shape Kroppstejp (3 par)
- Produkt: Sminktillbehör
Wear your clothes with confidence when using the Brushworks Lift and Shape Tape. Ideal for any strapless, backless, or low-cut items of clothing. Including 3 pairs of pear-shaped tape, cleverly designed to allow for a subtle but improved push up and hold. Allowing you to achieve the perfect position of your choice, this comfortable tape is strong, stretchy, and long lasting, so you can stay stylish and confident that everything will stay in place all day and all night! How to apply: Remove cover from the back of the tape. Place the tape underneath your boob at the bottom. Gently lift altogether to achieve the push up style. Stick the top of the tape to the top of your boob to keep in place. Each pack includes 3 pairs of lift and shape tape.
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